08 July, 2011

Yesterday I shot a short film for a school project. After we were done, I took a few photos of the lovely Olivia Giarrusso. It was freezing cold but it was a fun day :)


tasha faye said...

she is a beauty! <3 these photographs are lovely. hope you'd be posting up the short film soon! xxx

Rosa said...

Her smiling and laughing is adorable. I hope we can watch your short film one day.

Denissa Hady said...

your pictures are really awesome :)

Francesca said...

how lovely! will you be posting your short film?

Jeannine said...

Thanks guys!
Francesca, I might... I personally don't like it and think it's sort of cheesy. I didn't get enough shots so I just dealt with what I had. I don't know what to do haha.

Tika Pratiwi said...


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh what a gorgeous hat!! Where is it from? I must have it!! :)