22 April, 2011

I drove (I'm an awesome driver besides the fact I can't look left without swerving right.. sorry car next to me) to Dandenong Ranges. It was crisp, slightly chilly and you could smell the smoke from fireplaces nearby. It is autumn but the leaves didn't crunch because it must have rained the night before. Now what is the point of life?
Before I get to that, here is a picture of my nails. It's pretty exciting cause we're not allowed to have painted nails at school. Anyway.
Don't worry, I didn't take this while driving.
After looking at these photos, I realise they look really kind of depressing. Especially the lone leaf. Sorry.

10 April, 2011

Blogger, we are back in Australia.
Part 1: Luke and I travelled 2 hours to Portsea. The weather was amazing. Hot, sunny, dry, 30 degrees of goodness. We went snorkelling under the pier and it was like being in another world where trees were replaced with seaweed. They created creepy shadows when the sun shone through the cracks of the pier into the water. Really, really lovely. Luke saw me swim above a stingray but I missed it. I need to get an underwater camera.
The homemade falafel and eggplant dip was SO good..
This is apparently how I look when I drink. Never again.
Part 2: Our school had a house performance thing near the city so we planned to have dinner at as many places as we could before going. Plan failed because Luke is a hungry obese boy and got too hungry!
This teenager ran by laughing really obnoxiously and they scowled at him.
From Kate Spade :)

02 April, 2011

My first pretzel was quite disappointing.
New York
New York
New York
New York
New York
New York
It was too windy to take photos outside so here is my reflection filled tourist photo:
New York
New York