28 November, 2009

School holidays have kind of started! I have to go to school for I.T. Unit 3/4, but that's about it. 
Sooo I've been passing my time by attempting to draw.
I wasn't bothered fixing up the scanner, so here are some photos.. 

Here's my brother, Arlen.

And some picture on my Tumblr.
Any tips are very much apprectiated!

24 November, 2009

We had a mini sand/dust storm a few days ago and I got a handful of dust thrown in my face from taking these photos. I've only edited the brightness/contrast because I was panicking and forgot to adjust the exposure! D:

For the people who want to know how I edit my photos:

Yup, just a simple action. Then I just mess around with the levels and opacity of the layers until I'm happy with it.
I'm lazy and a cheater, I know, I know.
If only film wasn't so expensive.. if only..

20 November, 2009

I had another day without exams yesterday, so we went to the beach to ride our bikes :)
It was boiling, but the wind made up for it.
I got sunburn on my arms.
I swear, I have never been sunburnt in my life. Except for that one time. But that's it!
So I only put sunscreen on my face. Stupid me.
Hello, unflattering and painful sunburn lines :)

We cycled in between Brighton and St. Kilda. (This is my dad's bike, I could never balance on those wheels!)

We cycled for about 9 kilometres and stopped at a restaurant for lunch.

Yeah, this little thing was ridiculously simple and overpriced.
And it needed more cheese.
And there was no airconditioning.
We cycled back against the wind and up a slight slope and I collapsed in the car.
I think exercise just makes me moody :P

Take care, everybodaaay!

19 November, 2009

We have heaps of cherries in our garden..

Is it just me or does Pancake have the saddest puppydog eyes? Regardless of the fact that he is a cat..

My jaffle explooooded! Or something.

Ashleigh has dead animals in her house.

Went out for dinner at Docklands a few days ago with my mum's friends and our neighbours.
The sun was setting as we walked to their house and it was all quite pretty.

Here's my kind neighbour in the process of throwing my little brother to the birds.

15 November, 2009

Sorry for not updating much! 
It's exam week and I've been pretty busy, but here is a post for you lovely people anyway ;)

I've been making sure to eat healthy.

And here are some images from my iPhone.. this was for To Write Love On Her Arms day which is a non-profit organisation helping suicide and depression. Check it out here!

Some inspirational leaves we made for a school art project :P

Cool kidz

View from my school..

07 November, 2009

Thank goodness the majority of you guys didn't choose to have large images on my blog.
It saves SO much time, and my Flickr account was overloaded :P
Went to our school's country fete and didn't get many pictures.
I wasn't really bothered carrying around my brick of a camera.
But such a lovely brick, at that.
I came home, got bored and took random photos then went to a restaurant with our fellow neighbours.

And ate a squashed cupcake only to spit some of it out because the flower was made out of marshmallows (I'm a picky vegetarian.. leave me alone!).

We saw a dirty car whilst driving to Prahan. Interesting.

Arlen got distracted by some pathetically small looking fountains..

Chez Olivier on Prahan!

My brother likes to blink.

Yeah, it doesn't look too appetising, but it was good!

Yours sincerely.

Creme bruleeeeeeeeee!

Testing out the flash and poor lil' brother is test subject uno.