On Tuesday I bought a Canon 5D Mark II and a Canon 100mm f/2:8L Macro. My first L lens! So excited about it :). Today I walked around my garden and played around with my new gear. It reminded me of my 365 photos days in 2008-2009 where probably 90% of my photos were macro shots taken in and around my house... Pancake being a derp. He is honestly the most difficult thing to photograph. He pretty much lives wrapped around my legs.
Some colour shots:
Ah I haven't posted in ages! I have a few posts lined up after I develop my random roll of film from my Canon A-1 and I will show you guys some of my assignments from my photography course. I've been doing a lot of commercial work so for now I will update you with some photos from some of the jobs that I've been doing in the past month or so.
For Etsy:
For The Vine Hotel:
For Ben (actor head shots):
For Kamali Moon's Lookbook:
For Laura's 21st Birthday:
For Charli's 7th Birthday:
If you would like to hire me for any type of photography please feel free to email me at jeanninetan@gmail.com :)