We saw lots of famous people's houses.
This is where we snorkeled and fed some fish.
It turned stormy very fast.
The next day we went to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary before we flew back to Melbourne. It rained non-stop (kinda hard to tell in most of the photos but it was pouring!)
I tried to capture some rain bokeh hehe.
We took this cute train around the place.
Many of the animals here creeped me out.. they just stood there, fearless of humans. Some got so close to the train tracks you could pet them while the train was moving..
This guy stopped eating and came closer to pose. I love lorries.
The joey's a bit too big for mum!
My mum drank this hot chocolate keeping the froth intact.. talent.
There was a lorikeet feeding time before we left. There were so many of them it was crazy! They must breed like rabbits. Here is a picture of me, terrified. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs695.snc4/63558_473506352546_629092546_6394939_8201987_n.jpg
On another note, happy holidays! I hope you're enjoying Christmas eve if you celebrate it. All our relatives are in Singapore so ours is pretty chillax (as you can see I'm updating my blog, lol).
Enjoyed your pics as always (:
beautiful set!! have a merry xmas!
all are gorgeous!
beautiful photos! i love your blog
you take gorgeous photos! :)
your photos are amazing!! what type of camera do you use? and if so..how do you edit them?
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